I would like to suggest some improvements for the workouts sections:
  • it would be useful to see in the activity section in the monthly, weekly and annual summary section the average calories burned per workout instead of the total, the average duration of the workouts instead of the total duration and the number of workouts done in the current month/week/year, comparing them with the previous week and month, removing the distance tab which for those who work out in the gym is always at 0
  • In the training tab it would then be useful to see the different heart zones by coloring the graph differently; integrate a graph for cardiac recovery in the minutes after training; integrate how that training impacted the training load and recovery time (how much we should rest after that training); integrate an index of training intensity based perhaps on training time, calories burned, calories burned per hour, average and maximum heart rate; integrate a metric corresponding to fitness in Athlytic to show if the training is improving our state of shape... and integration with applications such as "Strong" simply taking the name of the training (for example lower or upper) thus allowing to compare similar workouts and only the total kg lifted, to be reported as a metric. Obviously importing every data for sets woud be amazing, but if it is not possible also total kg lifted and workout name.
  • finally it would be nice to see in the annual section for each month a number that indicates how many workouts have been done (and the average strain for that month) at a glance so se can compare quickly other montths and in the list of workouts instead of showing the complete time and date, show the strain with an arrow to indicate whether it is above or below average, the calories burned, and the kg lifted.
I know it's a lot of things but I think the understanding of the workouts would improve infinitely