I'm facing some strange changes in your app during the day and random numbers in the Trends summary for Recovery ...
If it's interesting for you ... pls see in attached photos ... or summary
Date / Recovery during the day // Number in "Trends" summary
6.6. 41 / 62 / 81 // 55
7.6. 49 / 53 / 39 //37
8.6. 67 / 48 // 64
9.6. 75 // 72
10.6. 83 / 69 // 69
11.6. 45 / 85 // 85
12.6. 61 //49
13.6. 70 // 85
15.6. 50 / 67 // 63
16.6. 57 / 37 //41
17.6. 41 / 63 //63
I can send you all photos separately if needed ...