A Weekly and monthly view Total Zone time
in progress
Pranab Roy
It would be great if we can have page for total time spend in each zone over a week, month. On a monthly basics I would love to see my time spent in each of those zones.
Currently SS shows this for each exercise, but would be great to see that for a longer duration. Something like share below from Athlytic
in progress
I would just like to add that a lot of long distance runners like myself track weekly volume not by miles but by time spent in low aerobic. Right now it's really hard to keep track of that (I have to do the calculations manually).
Being able to see total low aerobic (Z2 + Z3) would also be a nice-to-have (I'm pretty sure Athlytic already does this).
planned (soon)
Yup definitely, I wanted to do this at some point. Will mark as planned.