Add skin temperature to Recovery score
planned (tbd)
Bernardo C.D.A. Vasconcelos
In this regard, I like the Eclipse app (from the makers of AutoSleep) and how they use Sleep Hours, Fatigue, HRV, Resp Rate, HR, and so on to give an overall score and how easy it is to jump from the evolution of overall score to each of the individual metrics. It is worth taking a look at.
How would you correlate temperature to recovery? I've looked at my own data from Apple Watch, Oura and Whoop and there is no trend whatsoever.
Simmo: I've seen some evidence and studies about how you can correlate temperature <> being sick <> recovery. I haven't looked too deeply into it yet so will need to do more research before I decide to add it in.
Chuck Hazzard
I would only add weight in your score for temperature if the the deviation is significant from baseline due to how in accurate skin temperature is. You also should consider what impacts normal temperature fluctuations women experience during their monthly cycles will have on their recovery scores. The bottom line is this is a non-trivial metric to add to recovery and should be well thought out.
Chuck Hazzard: 100% agree. I am still figuring out the best way to include this in the Recovery score.
Markus Eisen
And respiratory rate 👋
planned (soon)