Coaching on main Page- more advanced
planned (tbd)
Tomek Gniewko Bielak
If be great if the coaching on the main Paige was more advanced than just talking about strain. Shouldn’t this be where you get a personalized message based on all your metrics from I.e previous day for the day ahead, example could be you had a really stressful day yesterday, or you had a harder or longer workout than yesterday, this would obviously have to go hand in hand with your recovery score, and also i.e. and additional message later in the day to tell you how you doin, example despite your stressful day yesterday, today you managed to keep your battery high keep pushing.
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AI Coaching
Integrate AI coaching (using ChatGPT or other AI) into daily coaching. Ideally also allow conversations.
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Ai coaching!
A chatbot or at least an AI that can chat with you, clarify what needs clarification, and provide answers based on your performance and evaluation!
It’s almost like having your personal coach!
You come to it asking how you feel, what you want it to suggest for your training, your weaknesses, what you need to focus on, and so on.
With this, all the information you need about your body is in one place… alongside your personal coach.
Then, you can train and rest based on what Bevel tells you 😎.
Hi MOHAMED ALYAHRI, Thanks for the suggestion. We have a few Planned tickets on our Roadmap in terms of improving the app’s coaching. Let me merge this one for you.
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More insights in recovery score
It would be helpful if the app can tell you ways to improve your recovery score and why it is bad on this day compared to the other days
planned (tbd)
I would suggest to make a "coach"(or whatever) tab instead of putting it on the main page, main page is great because you have everything at glance, but then you want to know more and that's the tab where you can have actionable suggestions, where you see a chronology of your day passing, with meaningful analisys of what is happening and suggestions on what you could do in that part of the day based on your stats and data.
Basically similar to what's the main page of welltory, where you scroll down the page and see your most meaningful stats in some hours/parts of the day and related suggestions(not AI autogenerate hallucination nonsense pls).
To expand on this, data showed could take into account the hour in which you insert journal entries(maybe in a journal 2.0 which records also the impact of the hour in which you did something) and suggest you that maybe that behaviour had a good or bad impact on your day. But that's just expanding even further down the line in a coaching 2.0 version.
Tomek Gniewko Bielak
I agree and disagree, yes with the seperate tab - however a.i is the future so I would personally support implementing some use of this.
In terms of Welltory, I am actually unsubscribing its not actually that useful, its almost a screenshot but not engough coaching and actual meaningful personalised advice, and its also inconsistent with when it does those “screenshots”, when it does give you advice it’s not regularp
My original suggestion is to improve the coaching, what does a coach do? It gives you suggestions to improve… based on the metrics
Tomek Gniewko Bielak
Additionally I would like the coach to be giving me advice on regular basis rather than like in Welltory randomly.
Morning, midday, evening
Tomek Gniewko BielakYes, I believe we've got the same idea, what i was talking about is having that kind of page as a reference, where different times of the days, maybe triggered by sudden changes in your stats and data, the "coach" shows you different meaningful stats and suggests you what you could do based on that(too much strain, rest, low stress and strain in the afternoon maybe go for a walk/run or strength train).
Obviously it would be great if it could take into account your previous behaviours to make suggestions, like "usually you strength train 3 days per week, you only trained 2, you're well rested, recovered and have low stress, it's a great time to make your 3rd work out day".
This could be achieved by using AI, but i'm pretty skeptical after having seen Whoop implementation.
Tomek Gniewko Bielak
Marvin yes we are close, but I would prefer a regular update rather than only when detecting a fluctuation. So on a normal day also an update with eg keep doing what you doing it’s working
planned (soon)
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Stress - coaching
Tomek Gniewko Bielak
Would be amazing if the Coaching in the stress section; would work slightly differently than in other sections, shouldn’t the coaching here have some sort of special algorithm? I.e. reporting separate; on your morning stress, afternoon, evening, also it would be great if it explained exactly what they are comparing, I think this should be more dynamic because sleep, recovery and strain are somewhat simple in comparison to stress. A perfect example for me would be something that could go to the levels off,” you had a really high stress morning, slow down the pace”, and then if I manage to calm down says, „high stress morning, but you done well to control your stress this afternoon, I can see you took regular breaks, let’s get a workout in” let’s say I then do a workout „ high stress is typical after a workout nothing to worry about, considering your stressful morning try to have a chilled evening” ….
Two ways - either an evolving summary of the day or a snapshot of few massages from the day.
I guess the coach in energy section- could also be better but I pay attention more to stress so stating what’s more important to me.
I would absolutely love this, would be my favourite function.
Looking forward to your reply
This is great. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'll merge it with an existing ticket. We'll improve coaching overall very soon.
Tomek Gniewko Bielak
Grey Thanks grey, I’m loving the app and amazing to see the owners listen to feedback, (wisely). I am trying to be as active as I can with recommendations as it benefits both ways, maybe one day will join the beta testing club.