Custom day transition time
planned (tbd)
Zac Garbos
My typical work schedule has me going to bed after midnight, and it will often prompt me for “what happened last night” for the journal before I even do the sleep it’s referencing, it would be nice to see a custom set point where any activities before that point would be considered as part of the day before, as well as holding morning notifications until after the set point.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Journal pop-up after 12 am
Maximo Chaio
Hey, when I log into the app after 12 am, the morning jouranl pops up automatically, but I haven't slept yet so I can't answer it. The next morning when I wake up it doesn't show automatically which results in me sometimes forgeting to complete it.
I think it should pop up after it detected sleep, it would make more sense.
Oh, and also, I feel like the day shouldn't end at 12 am, it should end when you go to sleep.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Modify when next day sleep starts
Had a kid and going to bed at 8pm. But it says it was a nap on the previous day and ruins my sleep stats
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Night Owl Mode
Stanley Ng
Could you add an option to let entries made between 12 AM and 4 AM (or any customization) count as part of the previous day? I’m a night owl myself and could find it very useful.
Stephen Amos
Agree! Or like another user has suggested in another post - at least make the main metrics viewable after midnight and/or set a custom "end of day" time.
Stephen Amos
Totally agree with this! As someone with a non-regular work/sleep routine, my day very rarely "ends" at 12am either - also making that journal pop-up a bit confusing/frustrating.
I also wish the main metrics (mostly Recovery and Sleep score) wouldn't reset then either, but instead, after I have slept. I often still want to see those scores for that "day" at 1am for example, but can't anymore.
A configurable "day reset" time would probbaly be the best option (because if no sleep is logged, when would they all reset? haha)
Zac Garbos
i think i had a similar thing a while ago, my thought was to set a configurable break point for the day(ie if i set the break point as 4 am, everything before 4 am would count as the previous day). but i like the idea of having it tie in with sleep metrics,
planned (tbd)
planned (soon)
Thanks for the suggestion Zac Garbos. I can add this to the roadmap.