Daily Report
planned (tbd)
Brittany Touchette
It would be nice if I had the option to open some kind of daily report that gives me some of the most prominent stats from my day (in both sleep and recovery) depending on where I’m at in the day. It could say something like “you were awake ten times last night for a total of one hour and your temperature was high”. Or “your stress levels were high today and your activity was lower than usual”. I find myself having to go through every category and icon if I want to know the information and it would be nice to not have to dig!
Thank you :)
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Interesting facts
Tomek Gniewko Bielak
Something I would like to see which I haven’t seen anywhere, and I believe it could add to quality of this app.
1) showing which day of the week is the most stressful calculated from I.e 6 month average
2) which day on average you get the least sleep (6months data)
I.e if my stressful day is Wednesday and I get poor sleep on Tuesday, then it makes sense why Wednesday is more stressful.
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Morning report tab or page on watch app
Jonathan Mousley
Would be nice to have a tab or page on watch app that gives a morning report similar to garmin. I know the watch app currently gives a snapshot of the day, but perhaps a morning report could take this a bit further by including only the most relevant info, such as trending metrics, coaching messages, recommended workouts to keep cardio load trending in the right direction if recovery is not too low (and muscular load once it’s added). Ultimately, if the user could give some kind of info to the app about what their training goals are (endurance, strength, a balance of the two, etc), coaching could give recommendations that make the most sense for the athlete. One example I think would be cool: if muscular load was starting to trend down on say leg muscle groups, maybe the coaching message would suggest something like “Work your quads and hamstrings today.” or if you hadn’t done shoulders in a while “Try working your rotator cuffs and delts etc.”
I guess ultimately what I’m suggesting is giving a page that balances the large amount of data the app has on someone’s training (HR data, strength plans) with actionability.
Thanks for all the hard work! Happy to clarify anything.
The “Bevel Brief”?
Kevin: Great idea!
This is the #1 feature I want the most from Bevel! Would love to have daily/weekly/monthly summary reports developed by AI.
planned (tbd)
Stephen Amos
Big +1 for this! Garmin's morning report is the one feature that I miss and still tempts me to go back. :')