Improve time based exercises for Strength Builder
planned (soon)
Merged in a post:
Timer in plank
Abhimanyu Sanjay Salem
The strength builder must have a timer for exercises like plank and side plank, instead of weight and reps.
Hi Abhimanyu Sanjay Salem, We have a planned ticket to change it to time-based instead of reps. Thanks for reporting! Let me merge this ticket for you.
planned (soon)
Merged in a post:
Duration option in strength builder
Would it be possible to have a duration option that can be chosen instead of reps in the strength builder for isometric exercises and conditioning (eg farmer's walk)
Hi Raz, Thanks for the suggestion! We have a planned ticket for this, let me merge the ticket for you.
Merged in a post:
Time in strengt
Martine Abrahamsen
Possibility to add seconds instead of weight when creating a strength workout. Ie for planks, back extension holds pr other static workouts
Hi Martine Abrahamsen, We have a planned ticket for this, Thanks for the suggestion! let me merge this ticket for you.
Merged in a post:
Workout set by duration
Ethan Clemence
For things like plank and other ab workouts/adding custom stretching exercises it would be nice to have a time duration instead of number of reps. Similar to the rest timer if there was a haptic at the end of the stated duration then I wouldn’t watch the clock the whole time while holding plank.
planned (tbd)
Merged in a post:
Time-Based Workout
Currently, the workout app only tracks reps. There are some exercises (like Planks) where I do time based instead of rep based. Right now I use reps (60 reps = 60 seconds) but it would be nice to have an explicit way to do seconds. Since the app has a timer already, it would also be nice if it vibrated when the set was completed.
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