Move ‘Cardio Load’ and ‘Load Balance’ graphs to the ‘Activities’ tab
in progress
Quinn Comendant
The ‘Cardio Load’ and ‘Load Balance’ graphs are some of the most useful features of Superset. Unfortunately, they’re 2–3 taps away, under the Strain graph. The graphs are related enough to the Activities → Overview graph that they should be in the same location. If relocated to Activities, they could then be accessible by either: a) swiping left on the Overview graph, or b) add separate tabs (so the Activities section would have four sub-tabs: ‘Overview’, ‘Workout plans’, ‘Cardio Load’ and ‘Load Balance’).
in progress
One additional challenge is swiping between the graphs. Usually when I swipe to get to the second graph, I just end up scrolling the date on the first graph. It takes a carefully placed finger to swipe to the next graph. — Also, the second graph has much more useful data that the first one, so put the second one first, and the first one second.
Joshua Squirrel
Can we also get Fitness and Fatigue scores added like Athlytic?
Merged in a post:
Change the order of the graphs if not combining them
The short-term vs long-term load graph is the more useful of the two graphs compared to the cardio-load graph. And even though the cardio-load and the short-term load graphs are on different scale units, they follow almost exactly the same trend to be of nearly identical functionality. Having all the data on one graph that is more easily/quickly accessible would be great. — the mockup I did has one scale on the left and the other on the right if you feel like these are necessary, but I suspect that most of us just want to see the trends and the relationships of the two graphs and the shaded optimal range.
Justin Rector
Just upvoting this with a comment. As a new user I couldn't find the training load graph, and I almost went with another app for that alone thinking that Bevel didn't have this. It's a really important metric and hiding it under strain wasn't intuitive to me, and now would like to have easier access to it
Justin Rector: Yup, noted. We are working on a redesigned Activities tab, and this will be moved there.
The load-balance graph is too important to be hidden after 3 taps and a hidden swipe. It needs to be visible after 1 tap and a half-scroll down at most.
Merged in a post:
Cardio load and Load balance in the same page/screen
Pranab Roy
I suggest combining the cardio load and load balance screens into a single basic view page(cursor navigation and all). For those who want more details (on the roadmap, like: what impacted the load to go high, injury tagging and all), a separate page can be accessed by clicking a "more/detailed view" button for each of them. What are your thoughts on this idea?
Hi Pranab Roy, let me merge this ticket, Thanks for the suggestion!
Pranab Roy
This would be great. Was thinking the same. Thanks for the suggestion.
Thanks for the feedback and mockup Mac! I don't know if I agree that the load balance chart is more important than the cardio load chart since it's the relationships between long-term vs. short-term that matters, not the absolute values. My worry with combining the charts is that it will add clutter to the interface and make it harder to view each chart individually.
However, I see your point. Let me think about it a bit more and see if others have the same opinion. If so, I'll work on a solution to improve this for you.
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