Sleep Improvements
in progress
Maximo Chaio
I feel like we should be able to see more sleep metrics on the sleep score page. At the moment, we don't really know how the sleep score is calculated. Yes, I know what goes into it but I have no idea how much each factor contributed. In Oura for example, you get a score for each category that went into the score. That way, you can look at the stats and see what "went wrong", so you can try to improve thinks like consistency, sleep time, etc. (Also, if it were posibble to add latency, that'd be cool)
Yesterday for example, I got a 59% score in SS yesterday, but all of my trends under the sleep tab just showed "normal", so why did I get that score? Was it because it was shorter sleep than usual, because I didn't get enough deep sleep? I don't really know and going into each tab isn't all that useful either.
I think the same could be applied to the recovery metric too, though I do find that one easier to understand considering it's less variables that go into it.
I’d like to see a hr graph showing my lowest sleeping hr and highest point. Similar to Oura and then cycling through the stages I can see my hr for that stage
Rory Plewes
David a bit like this, its a prototype but helps get the general idea of being able to look in depth on the days data, plus comparing it to longer periods
Some more metrics: sleep latency (time between “in bed” and “asleep”), sleep time consistency, time awake
Rory Plewes
Dylan yeah, metrics like
Sleeping Heart Rate (HR graph for the day, include average, max and Min as key metrixs)
Sleeping HRV (HRV graph for the day, include average, max and min as key metrics)
Time to fall asleep
Rory Plewes
I want to be able to compare not only my sleeping average HR to other nights, but I also want a graph where I can see that days data.
For example see that at 05:53 my heart rate was 51bpm.
planned (soon)
Dylan Everett, thats a good idea. I'll add it to the backlog.
I believe RR samples are only taken during sleep atm by Apple Watch, so the number you see should be filtered by Sleep already.
Dylan Everett
Grey: my best idea yet 😂
Dylan Everett: Haha my bad, I meant Dylan
Grey: yep, forgot it was already there.