Source of HRV reading used in Recovery
planned (tbd)
Bernardo C.D.A. Vasconcelos
One thing I am constantly missing in the app is the source of the HRV reading being used in the score. Is it the first reading in the morning (what time), the daily average, or the night-time average (from what time to what time)? This seems important to state more clearly.
Also, would it be possible to have Recovery use the latest HRV reading as an option? I am aware that this could lead to fluctuations in the score as the metric is very sensitive.
Des Thomas
Any update on this, as I’m seeing fluctuations between the HRV in Athlytic, Whoop and Bevel?
planned (tbd)
in progress
planned (soon)
Thanks for the feedback Bernardo C.D.A. Vasconcelos. At the moment, HRV averages the samples from the deepest parts of your sleep. If there are none, it will fallback to using samples from the entire sleep session.
I can make that clearer in the app. And yes, I'd like to add customization for this in the future.