App Crashes Before Finishing Data Load
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Merged in a post:
I can’t launch the app (first time user) stuck at “Customizing your experience“
Melissa B
App just gets stuck at “Customizing your experience”. Reset phone, updated to latest update (for iPhone and app). Can anyone please help? This app sounded really great but I can’t even load it
Hi Melissa B, Apologies for this experience that you are having. The team is currently working on a fix for this and will release it asap.
For us to double-check, can you please answer the following:
- Your phone Model
- Your current IOS version
Melissa B
Randell Thank you so much! My phone model is the iPhone 13 Pro and my iOS is 18.3. Please let me know if you need any more information
Eric Graybill
I was finally able to get the app to go through the initial setup screens. It now says syncing data, but will eventually crash back to home screen after a few minutes
Hi Eric Graybill, My apologies for the mix-up with merging tickets. I unmerged it and will keep you posted for any updates regarding this issue.
in progress
Eric Graybill
Still crashing for me when it gets to data load/customizing experience section. App version 1.3.9
Eric Graybill: Hi Eric, thanks for the update. We are investigating this issue again. I will keep you posted regarding this
Hi Eric Graybill, We’ve just released a new update addressing this issue. Can you please check and try again to see if it still persists on your end?
in progress
Eric Graybill
Appreciate the info
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