No deep sleep
Hi Kunjal Soni, I will be closing this ticket now. Feel free to comment back in if you are still having issues with Bevel.
Kunjal Soni
Is there something wrong with my ultra 2 not reading deep sleep?
Kunjal Soni I see, it seems like you don’t have any logs or your watch did not log any Deep Sleep data during your sleep. You mentioned that you had 44 minutes, was that an error?
For your Apple Watch, sometimes it does record a sleep without Deep Sleep, not sure what is causing this but I suggest you try again tonight and see if it persists.
I would like to confirm also, do you have Sleep tracking on? Sleep schedule? or are you turning On sleep focus?
Kunjal Soni
It must have been a glitch. I don’t see the 44min anymore also. I have sleep tracking on with sleep schedule. When I go to sleep I swipe down on my watch and click sleep mode and go to bed.
Kunjal Soni
It must have been a glitch. I don’t see the 44min anymore also. I have sleep tracking on with sleep schedule. When I go to sleep I swipe down on my watch and click sleep mode and go to bed.
Kunjal Soni: I see, since there's no Deep Sleep data tracked from your Apple Watch then Bevel won't show any Deep Sleep as well on your Sleep tab data.
Can you try again tonight and let me know if your watch still doesn’t track any Deep Sleep?
Please note that Bevel has no control over your Apple Watch’s tracking. It simply pulls in whatever data your Apple Watch logs in Apple Health.
Kunjal Soni
under review
Hi Kunjal Soni, Can you go to Bevel -> Profile -> Data Sources -> Sleep, screenshot the view for me
Also, Go to Apple Health -> Sleep -> Scroll down to “show all data”, screenshot the view for me as well and send it here