Over the past year I've reported many issues with Bevel, and I realize that many were ultimately rooted in my lack of understanding how Bevel's calculations were done. For example, this discussion of RHR data, this one about Sleep/Mindfulness data sources, or my confusion about the Muscular–Cardio percentages. In general, I often find myself at odds with the app wondering, “how is that number calculated?” From one perspective, users should just trust the numbers, the app provides simple guidance that doesn't require much thinking. My perspective is that advanced users need to know how a number is derived before it can be useful and credible. For example, there is no such thing as simply “Resting HR”; what is actually meant is “average HR during periods of rest define as xyz…”. Without knowing this nuance, it's just a number missing context.
I don't mean to see the exact formulas used; that is Bevel's secret sauce, and would be too complex for most users. What I would like to see is a simple explanation how each value is derived in plain english or simple math.
Many values already have descriptive text, which would benefit from showing the maths how it is currently calculated based on current settings.
For example, if you tap the Resting HR, you see this text at bottom:
ℹ️ Resting HR
Resting Heart Rate (RHR) measures your average
heartbeats per minute while completely at rest.
Overall, a lower RHR points to better cardiovascular
fitness. A low RHR means your heart muscle can
pump more blood each beat, so it doesn't have to
work as hard.
Temporary RHR spikes may show fatigue or sickness,
while long-term drops signal gains in heart health.
In addition to that text, you could include something like this (this is just some made up example, I have no idea how RHR is actually calculated):
Resting HR is currently calculated using data from
Apple Heath.
HR values are filtered to include only data points
where activity level is below a defined threshold,
indicating rest. The lowest 5-minute mean HR
from these resting periods is used as the daily
RHR value. This value is then smoothed using a
7-day weighted mean to prioritize recent data
and provide a stable RHR estimate.
You can adjust the data source and calculation
method in Settings → Calculations.