Watch App crashing multiple times during workout
I experienced multiple crashes with the Apple Watch app during my workout today. Specifically, the app crashed three times at different points, each time prematurely ending the workout.
I did not touch the watch or interact with it in any way to accidentally end it. Additionally, the "How hard was your workout?" prompt did not appear.
I am using an Apple Watch Series 5.
The app has crashed before, but very rarely, and always just once during the 'warmup phase' of the workout.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Apple Watch workout crashes/ends early
When I start a workout plan created in Bevel on the watch, the workout "crashes" whenever the watch loses its connection to my phone. This is reproducible every time and happens immediately. This is very annoying as I don't want to take my phone with me in the gym.
Additionally, as this might be part of the issue, I have low power mode enabled for workouts on my watch (see screenshot).
Today it happened again twice. This time I even had my phone with me at all times.
Vincent: Thanks for reporting, Vincent. Do you have any reproducible steps?
Separately, does this sound like a similar issue to what you're having?
No, sorry, no reproducible steps this time as my phone was with me. The other bug sounds the same but I also looked at Quinn's comment (which I believe re-opened the bug) and what he's experiencing is different as I don't see any summary screen when the workout ends prematurely.
No, I have my phone with me at the gym. The first time this happened I left my phone in a locker and started the workout on the watch without the phone being nearby. After a set or maybe two I looked at the watch and the workout had stopped (I'm now realizing that my initial comment wasn't accurate as it's not happening immediately but maybe within 5 minutes or so). After restarting it it ended/crashed again after a set or two. I repeated this one more time and then I just fetched my phone and everything worked as expected.
The second time I had my phone with me but went to fill up my water twice leaving my phone behind at the machine. Each time the workout had ended by the time I came back.
I just tried to reproduce it at home and it didn't matter whether low power mode was enabled or not. After around 5 minutes the workout just ended.
Vincent: Ok thank you for the information. Let me try to reproduce this on my end.
Hi Vincent, following up on this. I can't reproduce it on my end. Are you still able to reproduce it?
Grey I just tried it again twice and I’m also not able to reproduce it anymore.
Vincent: Hi Vincent, thanks for updating. I will close this ticket for now.
Thanks for the bug report Vincent. So that I understand correctly, do you start the workout first, leave your phone at home, wait for the watch to disconnect and then the app crashes?
Can you also try it without low power mode?
Randell Closing this ticket for now, let me know if you are still running into this issue and I'll open it up again for you. Thanks!
under review
under review